MINUTES OF MEETING STOREY PARK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Storey Park Community Development District was held on Tuesday, October 1,2024 at 4:00 p.m. at the Offices ofGMSCF, 219 E. Livingston Street, Orlando, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Dan La Rosa Chairman Will em Boermans Vice Chairman Ricardo Garcia via phone Assistant Secretary Travis Smith Assistant Secretary Matthew Antolovich Assistant Secretary Also present were: Jason Showe District Manager Jay Lazarovich via phone District Counsel Nicole Van Valkenburg via phone District Engineer Alan Scheerer Field Manager mnsr ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Showe called the meeting to order and called the roll. A quorum was present. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period Mr. Showe: We will note for purposes of our recording, that we only have members of the Board and staff present. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of the September 3, 2024 Meeting Mr. Showe: The next item is the approval of minutes of the September 3, 2024 meeting, which were included as part of your agenda package. District Counsel provided some minor clarifications, which were incorporated, but we can take any other corrections or changes at this time or a motion to approve. October 1,2024 Storey Park CD D On MOTION by Mr. LaRosa seconded by Mr. Boermans with all in favor the Minutes of the August 6, 2024 Meeting were approved as amended. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Agreement with Grau & Associates to Provide Auditing Services for FY 2024-2028 Mr. Showe: Next is the Auditing Services Agreement, starting with Fiscal Year 2024 and ending in 2028. That way, as soon as we close the books in October, we can get them started on that audit for compliance purposes. This is with Grau & Associates. You currently have an agreement with them and that's probably our preferred vendor, so we would ask for a motion to approve this agreement, so we can get started on the audits. On MOTION by Mr. LaRue seconded by Mr. Smith with all in favor the Agreement with Grau & Associates to provide auditing services for FY 2024-2028 was approved. • OmegaScapes Renewal (Added) Mr. Showe: We provided you with a pricing sheet from OmegaScapes for Fiscal Year 2024. It's pretty close to what we had in the budget and Alan can present it. Mr. Scheerer: I think it's self-explanatory. They did ask for a 3% increase and overall, when we did the budget last year, there were a couple areas that weren't online yet at that time, so it's only over by about $1,000 from what we have in the budget. We do have landscape contingency and some other offsetting dollar amounts in the budget that could cover that, but as you can see, it's pretty detailed. We get two palm tree prunings a year, pest control six times a year, mulch annually and of course, ponds mowed 30 times a year and the rest of the property, 42 times a year. I can try to answer any questions that you might have regarding this, but it is something that we anticipated for the budget for 2025. Mr. Showe: Overall, just for the Board's information, for those that haven't gone through this process before, it's our recommendation if you approve this, you approve it subject to District Counsel drafting an agreement. That will give us all of the full terminations, the warranties and the required provisions that will go along with that. Mr. Scheerer: It will give us a 30 day out for non-performance should they ever not perform. Mr. LaRosa:How doweverifythattheyfollowthis? 2 October 1, 2024 Storey Park CDD Mr. Showe: Alan is out there once a week, meets with them and goes through their contract, as well as all their reports to verify their performance. Mr. Scheerer: Yeah, we know when they're mowing or not mowing. They also get a report whenever they use TruGreen as their pest control provider. We'll get a report from them. They also do supplemental fertilizer and pest applications when needed, but I'm out there weekly. I was actually out there today and I'll be there again on Thursday. Mr. LaRue: Okay. Mr. Boermans: They definitely go above and beyond and do some of them extra things. Mr. Scheerer: Yeah. Mr. Showe: So, it would be our recommendation, ifthe Board's amenable, to approve the proposal from OmegaScapes, subject to front end documents that we would normally have. On MOTION by Mr. Antolovich seconded by Mr. Smith with all in favor the OmegaScapes renewal for FY 2025 and authorization for District Counsel to prepare an agreement was approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Ratification of Temporary Access Easement Agreement with William Pratt and Elizabeth Zumaeta Mr. Showe: The next item is just a ratification of the Temporary Access Agreement that we talked about at the last meeting for the pool. It's been fully executed. Alan's been out, met with them onsite and took some pictures, so we know what it looks like before. They have already executed the agreement in accordance with what District Counsel drafted. So, this is just a ratification of that agreement and it's included in the agenda for your information. We would take a motion to ratify it. On MOTION by Mr. Antolovich seconded by Mr. Smith with all in favor approval of the Temporary Access Easement Agreement with William Pratt and Elizabeth Zumaeta was ratified. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Mr. Showe: We'll start with the Attorney's Report. We received some agreements today from Moss Park Properties (MPP) regarding the school, which Jay will discuss. Mr. Lazarovich: I apologize that I couldn't be there in person, but I had a family emergency. I have a quick update on three agreements. The Temporary Construction Easement 3 October 1, 2024 Storey Park enD (TCE) was finalized, as Orange County Public School (OCPS) signed off on it. However, we're waiting to release our signature page until the Funding Agreement and Cost Share Agreement with the MPP, were fully executed. I just heard back this afternoon that MPP is fully signed off on the Funding Agreement, which was for a not-to-exceed of $10 ,000 for legal and engineering costs, for the work related to this Cost Share Agreement for Introduction Way. They mentioned \ that they will have comments on the Cost Share Agreement. When the Board initially approved the draft form of this, I brought it to the August 7th meeting. We had blanks in the Cost Share Agreement for the actual proportional rate and were able to get MPP to agree to a $3,000 annual cost and 3% increase up to $4,000. They confirmed that they were amenable to that amount, so we're not entirely sure what other comments they're going to come back with. Therefore, I don't have a big update for that agreement, but we did want to get it in front of you guys as soon as possible. It is in a version now that can be substantially final, if the Board is amenable to approving that agreement, subject to any additional comments that they have and District Counsel and management approval of those comments. Mr. LaRue: Is this agreement in,front of us, in substantially the same form as the one that we approved for the apartment complex? Mr. Lazarovich: Yes, we drafted it off of that agreement. So that's why we're not really sure what they're going to come back with. It may be something minor. They didn't give any indication. They just said, "We'll have comments by the end a/the week" and we stressed the urgency, because we can't release the TCE signature page, until we have these executed agreements. Mr. LaRue: You're saying we can't, but the Board makes the decision of whether we can or we can't. Mr. Lazarovich: That's correct. Mr. LaRue: I feel like your comments are somewhat misleading. So, we could release the TeE. Mr. Lazarovich: That's correct. ] apologize. It would be our recommendation to not release it until we have those agreements signed. Mr. LaRue: Based on what? Mr. Lazarovich: Essentially, if we're granting the TCE and we release that signature page, we don't really have the MPP signature page for the Funding Agreement yet, either. So, the cost 4 October 1, 2024 Storey Park CDD that we've incurred for all the work on the Cost Share and Funding Agreements, would end up being on the residents. That was the whole purpose of the Funding Agreement. They agreed to it and said that they would get us the signature page today. So, we need to make sure that we at least have the Funding Agreement fully executed and we want the Cost Share Agreement executed as well. Mr. LaRue: I agree that the Funding Agreement is absolutely necessary, because those are actual hard costs that would be incurred by the residents, if for some reason, these costs transfer over to the residents, which is not okay. With that said, the Cost Share Agreement, in its current form, they signed it in the first go around. Do you have anything in writing from them, like an email, essentially agreeing to these amounts? If I'm seeing this correctly, it looks like it's $3,000 per year, plus a 3% annual increase up to $4,000 per year. Is this in perpetuity? Mr. Lazarovich: Yeah. They said that the Cost Share Agreement is in line with the previous one and it's acceptable to MPP; however, they need additional time to review the agreement and address a few issues. That was all they gave us. Mr. LaRue: Okay. Mr. Lazarovich: So, we don't have a full recommendation until we see those comments. Mr. LaRue: Understood. I know that one of the managing partners of MPP is very difficult to get a hold of. It's quite possible that he doesn't have any comments at all, but they can't do anything unless that particular individual signs off on it. Right? Mr. Lazarovich: Yes. Mr. LaRue: So, is it possible for us to agree to the TCE, sign the page, sign what they need and then hold it until you receive what you need? So, we don't have to reconvene the Board. Mr. Lazarovich: We already have the signature page for the TCE. We are just waiting on OCPS, in order to record the document. We do want the CnD signature page to the Funding Agreement and the Cost Share Agreement to be held in escrow. But those wouldn't be released until they're final. Sorry if! wasn't clear on that. Mr. LaRue: Okay. Mr. Smith: Regarding the Cost Share Agreement, my understanding is that property will be eventually purchased by OCPS. The school will be built there and this would move away 5 October 1, 2024 Storey Park CDD from the OCPS to the School District. I'm just trying to understand how this Cost Share Agreement would benefit the CDD. Mr. LaRue: There is a small portion of the road that is going to be used for the bus loop wherebusesaregoingtotum,that isabout800feetorso. Mr. Scheerer: Yeah, something likethat. Mr. LaRue: About 800 feet before it turns in and then go out. This is very similar to an agreement we did a few years back, for the apartment complex, because there was going to be wear and tear on the road. It's ultimately a CDD road and there is a budget that we have for keeping it in good repair. So, this is just simply their contribution on a yearly basis towards the budget to keep the road repaired. Mr. Smith: Wouldn't the school be with OCPS? Mr. Lazarovich: Just to be clear, this agreement is not with OCPS. Only the Temporary Construction Easement is with OCPS. Mr. Smith: Okay. Mr. Lazarovich: There was some discussion between our firm, counsel for OCPS and counsel for MPP. That was an agreement between MPP and OCPS that MPP would enter into the Cost Share and Funding Agreements, but OCPS does not have anything to do with the Cost Share Agreement itself. Mr. Smith: Was this just continuing perpetuity with MPP? Mr. Showe: Yes. Mr. Lazarovich: Correct Mr. LaRue: Which is a private company. Mr. Showe: For the Board's information, we took that 800 feet and looked at the costs if we have to mill and resurface this and we came up with over a 20-to-30-year lifespan of that road. This is an amount that we feel comfortable with, that will give us sufficient funding to maintain that road. So, Jay, I guess you can spell out what kind of motion you're looking for. Mr. Lazarovich: Yeah, I'm sorry. I just want to clarify one item. It is not in perpetuity . There is a term in the agreement that says if they don't receive final construction approval of the building permit within five years, it gets terminated. So. if the project isn't being built for some reason, they don't go forward with this and it would be terminated. Mr. Smith: That makes sense. 6 October 1, 2024 Storey Park CDD Mr. LaRue: That means they won't be using the road. Mr. Scheerer: Correct. Mr. LaRue: I don't want to change at this point, but wouldn't it be easier to just say, "Give us ten years' worth or 20 years' worth upfront", instead of literally sending them a bill every year for $3,000, $3,200 or $4,400? It's just a thought. Mr. Showe: We can approach it from that way. Some of the places don't want to do that. They would rather have it annualized out. Mr. LaRue: Cause then that just makes the agreement go away. Mr. Lazarovich: Yeah. Mr. LaRue: Essentially, they're just making a payment into the CDD fund. You don't even have to deal with the terms of this. Mr. Lazarovich: Yeah, and I'm not sure if they would be open to that. I mean, we've already entered into another similar agreement with them in the past and they chose to go down that route. So, I'm not sure ifthey would be open to that. Mr. LaRue: I didn't remember if that was an option back then, to just pay at one time, but it was just a thought. Mr. Showe: They are certainly able to do that. Mr. LaRue: Well, the thought is, if they're having heartburn with the terms of the agreement, then we will acquiesce to their heartburn and ask them to just cut us a check up front for the whole amount and just rip up the agreement. Right? Mr. Showe: Yeah. Mr. LaRue: So, I don't know if that's in the form of a formal motion or whatever. I think I would simply put it back on you, to make the offer to them. If they have a problem, sign the agreement. The signature pages are in escrow or we have them, I guess, and we have the ability to release them to OCPS, so that they can move forward. If they can't get past the language in the agreement, then there's a second option, which is that we will come up with some sort of a capitalized number and say, "Then there is no agreement. Just pay us this amount ofmoney and we'll will sign offon it."That'smore ofjustatalkingpointforyou. Iftheyhave somekind ofan issue with this agreement, which they shouldn't, since they've already signed it once on a different portion ofthe property. 7 October 1,2024 Storey Park CDD Mr. Lazarovich: Yeah, I would say let's wait and see what they come back with. Then depending on their comments, we can propose that, to see what they're coming back with. Mr. LaRue: Okay. So, my recommendation would be a motion to approve the agreement in concept, wait for their comments to come back and as long as they're not substantial and material in any significant way to the document we have in front of us, then I would make motion to approve this, but I request that you hold our signature page on the TCE, at a minimum, until we have the Funding Agreement, and see where they land with the Cost Share Agreement. Then we can potentially make a decision at that time, because there is a benefit to everybody in the community by having the school there. Orange County is not going to sit around and wait forever. That is a fact. I deal with OCPS all the time. If they're up against it and I feel that they are fairly close from what I've heard and know, then whether or not MPP is able to get over the hump with this cost share or some sort of a one-time payment, there is a potential of a loss of the school to the community, if OCPD says, "We haverunout oftime,we can'tget theschoolbuilt and open in time, to be the relief that we need for this area and will move on to a secondary site. " That is a legitimate risk that this Board is undertaking with what I'm putting a motion forth with. So, I feel like everybody in the room needs to understand that. Mr. Smith: Yeah, just one question on this agreement. Regarding the cost share, is there any particular term that we really necessarily have to have? Because I've read through it and some indemnification language and I just don't know if that's material to us. Mr. Showe: No, the main point for the District, is to make sure that the impact it's going to have on the roads that are obviously shared by all the residents, they pay for a portion ofthat. Mr. Smith: How easy is it to get into contact with MPP to get things done? Mr. Showe: Well, it sounds like Jay is in contact with them and we're hoping to have an answer. Mr. Smith: Okay, perfect. Mr. Lazarovich: Yeah. There are our standard protections in the Cost Share Agreement. We have indemnification language and several other provisions that will keep the CDn protected. So, we would prefer to enter into this with them, but again, they've been fairly reasonable with communicating with us, so we don't foresee many issues. We'll just keep the line open and try to get this closed up for you guys. Mr. Showe: So, we have a motion from Mr. LaRosa. 8 October 1, 2024 Storey Park CDO Mr. LaRue: I would like to make a motion to hold the signature page on the TCE until the Funding Agreement is signed and is in hand by you guys. Mr. LaRosa moved to hold the signature page on the Temporary Construction Easement until the Funding Agreement with Moss Park Properties was signed. Mr. LaRue: Regarding the Cost Share Agreement, I feel that we should have a deadline of some sort, that is agreed upon by the Board. If we can't get it worked out within a week, I don't know what that timeline is, but I'm open to suggestions, where it could potentially end up that the School Board walks and you lose the school. Then we would just have to agree to let the TCE go without the Cost Share Agreement in hand and essentially rely on MPP to be good neighbors and come through with the Cost Share Agreement, at some point, after they already received the signature page for the TCE. Mr. Smith: Is the agreement for 10 years? Mr. Lazarovich: No, the cost share would be in perpetuity. Mr. Smith: Sony, I misunderstood what you were saying earlier. Mr. Showe: No, it continues on. We just had to look at it as a scope, of how much it is going to cost to redo the road and try to break that out over about a 20-year period. Mr. LaRue: What is a form of communication that the Board could use, other than a formal meeting like this, to make the decision of whether or not to release the TCE without the Cost Share Agreement? Mr. Lazarovich: The Board would have to delete authority to a Board Member, as they wouldn't be able to communicate outside of a noticed meeting. Mr. Showe: Yes. Mr. Scheerer:Theycoulddelegateittothe Chairtomake that decisionorViceChair. Mr. Showe: If the Board would be amenable to that approach, we can work on a motion. Mr. Smith: So, they're paying the CDD $3,000 a year at 3%. I think losing that would hurt residents more than $3,000 a year. Mr. Showe: Yeah. Mr. LaRue: I agree. Mr. Smith: So, if OCPS might potentially walk, I would rather get it all done with them and would be amenable to appoint the Chair to handle it, try to work with them and see how fast 9 October 1,2024 Storey Park CDD they can work with MPP to get everything signed and if not, trust that they will, like you said, be a good neighbor. You're right, we don't want to lose a school in the neighborhood. Mr. Antolovich: Can we make a motion and a second? Mr. Showe: We will craft a motion that works it out. We would look for a motion to delegate authority to the Chair to not only execute the documents, but also make the call on whether we need to release the TCE by October 8th. Mr. LaRue: After the Funding Agreement is in hand. Mr. Showe: Yes. Mr. Antolovich: Put it a week ahead oftime. Mr. Showe: That's why I said by October 8th. That gives us a week from today. Mr. LaRue: But if I feel like I'm at October 8th and I can get it by October 7'h, put a hold on it. Mr. Showe: Yeah. Is there a motion? Mr. Antolovich: Do we have any communication with OCPS about whether they will get rid of us? Mr. Lazarovich: They haven't indicated that. We've been in touch with their counsel and they have not been pushing for the TCE. They had a couple outstanding issues with MPP that they resolved last week. So, now they're just looking at us to release them. We told them until we get it all figured out, we cant. So, they're just kind of standing by on us. Mr. LaRue: This school is slated for them for next year, so they have a very tight build window and they have to get started right now. So that's what I hear, because I just deal with them. They're getting very frustrated. Not with us, but with MPP, because they're like, "We're already past our construction start deadline and we gotta get going. " So, I just don't want to continue to kick the can on this and potentially lose the school. Mr. Antolovich: Yeah. Mr. LaRue : That's why. Mr. Lazarovich: Yeah, I'll just say again, the CDD had no knowledge of this. We received notice late in August and OCPS was under the impression that MPP was already working with the CDD. Mr. Showe: Yeah. 10 October 1, 2024 Storey Park CDD Mr. Lazarovich: OCBS is not blaming us for this, essentially, but they do need it taken care of, so we're trying to work with them. Mr. Showe: It sounds like Jay's in contact with MPP right now and their counsel. Mr. LaRue: They wouldn't pull the plug without me finding out. Mr. Showe: Yeah. Mr. Smith: Then I guess if the Funding Agreement is not in place and they're like, "No, we're gonna pull the plug, "then.. Mr. LaRue: Would you say up to $10,000 not-to-exceed? Is that what the cost is? Mr. Showe: Yeah, the Funding Agreement is pretty critical. Mr. LaRue: Didn't you say that they are sending you the signature page for the Funding Agreement today? Mr. Lazarovich: We haven't received it, but they told us it would come today. Mr. Smith: It sounds like, we're real close. Mr. LaRue: Yeah. Mr. Showe: Okay. Jay, do you want to craft the motion so that it's clear? Mr. Lazarovich: Yeah. The motion is to approve the Funding Agreement in final form. Then we can tackle the Cost Share Agreement. On MOTION by Mr. LaRosa seconded by Mr. Antolovich with all in favor the Funding Agreement with Moss Park Properties in final form was approved. Mr. Showe: Do you want to cover the motion on the Cost Share Agreement, Jay? Mr. Lazarovich: Yeah. So, I would ask for a motion to approve the Cost Share Agreement in substantially final form, subject to District Counsel's review of MPP's comments and upon execution of the Funding Agreement, release the TCE. What was the Board's deadline date? Mr. Scheerer: October 8th . Mr. Showe: Yeah. With authority to the Chair. Mr. Lazarovich: Yes and delegating authority to the Chair to execute those agreements. Mr. Showe: Yeah. 11 October1,2024 StoreyPark CDD On MOTION by Mr. LaRosa seconded by Mr. Boennans with all in favor approval of the Cost Share Agreement in substantially final form subject to District Counsels review and delegating authority for the Chairman to execute the agreements on or before November 8, 2024 and release the Temporary Construction Easement was approved. Mr. Lazarovich: Thank you, guys. The only other update from me, is regarding the Parking and Towing Rules. We've made a few tweaks. I can send out" a revised version and a redline to show those edits so far and if you guys have any other comments, just send those before the hearing on November 5th• That's all for me. B. Engineer i, Discussion of Pending Real Property Conveyances ii, Status of Pending Permit Transfers Mr. Showe: Next is the Engineer's Report. Are there any updates, Nicole? Ms. Van Valkenburg: We do not have any updates this week. c. District Manager's Report i, Approval of Check Register Mr. Showe: The first item is your Check Register. For the General Fund, we have Checks #1334 through #1349 and September payroll, for a grand total of $124,173.27. Staff can answer any questions on the invoices that follow or take a motion to approve. On MOTION by Mr. LaRue seconded by Mr. Boermans with all in favor the August 26, 2024 through September 24, 2024 Check Register in the amount of$124,173.27 was approved. ii. Balance Sheet and Income Statement Mr. Showe: Behind that is your Balance Sheet and Income Statement for the period ending August 31, 2024. No action is required by the Board. We are performing better than budget to actuals and are over 100% collected on our assessments. So, we're in great shape there. Ricardo, did you get your last Supervisor check from us? We were going to issue another one for you. Mr. Garcia: I didn't. Mr. Showe: Okay, perfect. We'll get the second one out. 12 October 1, 2024 Storey Park CDD iii. Field Manager's Report Mr. Showe: We can have Alan go through his Field Manager's Report. Mr. Scheerer: I don't have a lot to report. Just a couple things. We are winding down the Summer months, as you know and we'll be gearing up for holiday stuff; pressure washing, installing mulch and palm tree pruning. We're slated to do pine straw the last week of October, and then we'll move into some of the other mulch in the first week ofNovember. just to make the place look good before the holidays. The monument lights are all working at both locations. We'll be pressure washing Epic Park, the traffic circle in that area and a couple of other small common area parks, just to make sure the sidewalks are clean and presentable. I haven't heard you say that Teresa was back, as we need to get the fitness station that was put in at Folklore Lane, turned over. Mr. LaRue: Okay. Mr. Scheerer: I just need to get with her or whoever is going to walk that with us and get me the information. Mr. LaRue: Send her an email and put Zach on it. He's pretty dialed in now. He's been out there for a year and knows everything. Mr. Scheerer:Alright,will do.ThenI'llalso askfortheSchedule ofValue,sowecanget that on our insurance for this year, as well. Other than that, I think we survived the storm pretty well. I haven't heard any horror stories about Storey Park, Thank God. Again, I'll be meeting Thursday of this week with OmegaS capes to ride the property. If anybody has any questions or concerns, let me know. Mr. Boermans: Just one thing about the signs. The signs on Sonnet Avenue, the letters are very dirty and there's some grime around it. Mr. Scheerer: Okay. Well, when we do our pressure washing and cleaning, we always do the signs. We received a lot of rain, so we are dealing with a lot of green, gooey stuff from time to time, but we'll make sure it all gets cleaned up. Mr. Boermans: The more that the trees are growing, it's going to cover the signs. Mr. Scheerer: Yes, sir. There are lots of Oak trees in thatcommunity. That's all I have. Mr. Antolovich: What about the fence repair outside of Innovation Way and Dowden Road? 13 October 1, 2024 Storey Park CDD Mr. Scheerer: The black fence. I don't know if the kids are climbing on it or what they're doing, but they're breaking the slats. So, we had somebody come out and fix them. There were probably about three or four locations. I also have in the budget, funding to repaint those. So, probably towards the end of October or November, we'll start painting that as part of your capital plan that you have in place within your budget. Mr. Antolovich: I walked there yesterday and a lot of sleds were broken. Mr. Scheerer: Yeah. Mr. Antolovich: Children climb over it. Mr. Scheerer: Kids climb fences. Mr. Antolovich: Sure. Mr. Scheerer: So, we'll get out there, get them fixed and get them all repainted. It will look pretty, until they break the next one. Mr. Showe: That's all that we have. Are there any other Supervisor's Requests? Mr. Smith: The yellow painting on the curbs next to no parking or rather towards the end of the streets and the different places, is that going to be refreshed? Mr. Scheerer: I'm not sure that we had funded for it for this year, but I'm not saying that we can't do it. We're probably looking in the History Phase 1 area, and I don't know if there's stuff in Parcel K that the developer needs to do, as part of their maintenance bond, when they're done with the entire project. If not, we can address all of that. We didn't have an actual proposal from anybody for this year, but we do have funding to do it, ifwe need to. Mr. Smith: In some ofthe alleys, there are hedges that block the view. Mr. Scheerer: Yeah, those are the residents hedges. We would probably have to get with Rebecca and notify the homeowners, that they need to cut those back some of those Viburnum hedges that are growing pretty thick. But those in the alley don't belong to the CDD. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period There being no comments, the next item followed. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor's Requests There being no comments, the next item followed. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business 14 October 1, 2024 Storey Park CDD There being no comments, the next item followed. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Meeting Date -November 5,2024 Mr. Showe: The next meeting is on November 5, 2024. We'll do our rule hearing on the Parking and Towing Rules. We can take a motion to adjourn. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Mr. LaRue seconded by Mr. Boermans with all in favor the meeting was adjourned. 15