MINUTES OF MEETING STOREY PARK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Storey Park Community Development District was held on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. at the Offices of GMS-CF, 219 E. Livingston Street, Orlando, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Dan LaRosa Chairman Teresa Diaz Vice Chair Mike McQuarrie Assistant Secretary Willem Boermans Assistant Secretary Ricardo Garcia via phone Assistant Secretary Also present were: Jason Showe District Manager Jay Lazarovich District Counsel Alan Scheerer Field Manager Christine Baxter via phone District Engineer FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Showe called the meeting to order and called the roll. A quorum was present. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period Mr. Showe: We will note for purposes of our recording, that we only have members of the Board and staff present. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of the November 7, 2023 Meeting Mr. Showe: With that, we can go to the approval of minutes of the November 7th meeting. Those minutes are included with your agenda. We can take any corrections or changes at this time or a motion to approve. Ms. Diaz MOVED to approve the Minutes of the November 7, 2023 Meeting as presented and Mr. McQuarrie seconded the motion. February 6, 2024 Storey Park CDD Mr. Showe: Is there any discussion? Hearing none, On VOICE VOTE with all in favor the Minutes of the November 7, 2023 Meeting were approved, as presented. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposal from Fausnight Stripe & Line for No Parking Signs in Parcel K Mr. Showe: Behind that, we have a proposal from Fausnight Stripe & Line (Fausnight). We did provide you a map that ties to that proposal. We can let Alan go through that. Mr. Scheerer: Well, the map was supposed to be part ofthe agenda. It reflects the parking locations throughout all of Parcel K. What we should have had, was a map indicating where all of the arrows were going to be on the sign. So, I apologize for that. I know that the discussion of no parking signs throughout all of Storey Park, has been a challenge over the past several years. This actually started with Mr. Ben Kraljev. We provided a map that indicated the number of parking spaces, which means everything else is no parking. If you recall, at a previous Board meeting, we met with Mr. Edgar Malave at the City of Orlando Police Department (OPD). One of the criteria that the OPD had, was you had to have a starting point for no parking and an ending point. So, on two streets, you have an arrow in one way, an arrow in the other and a double arrow in between, for however that long run is and that is what's created the additional cost for no parking. I know that Lennar installed a handful of signs, but it didn't meet the criteria for OPD to ticket and it didn't meet it for the towing company to tow. So, this proposal in the agenda represents all three phases. Is that in the agenda? It's not in mine, so I apologize. Mr. Showe: Yeah, it's in there, starting on Page 16. Mr. Scheerer: Ifyou zoom into this map, you can see where all ofthe different arrows are going to go and where all of the different no parking signs are going to be. So, they basically took this map and created a no parking map, with the V-channel post in the appropriate locations. Ms. Diaz: Where the arrows are, do you need to have a no parking sign? Mr. Scheerer: There's a run of about 150 to 200 feet between the no parking signs. That's done as a safety precaution. So, if you put them at 300 feet and somebody parks in between 300 feet, they may not even see the no parking sign and if they're in a no parking zone, the next thing you know, they get towed. So, the recommendation was between 150 to 175 feet and that's what we had Fausnight price for us. Now, we did allocate funding in the budget for a portion of this, 2 February 6, 2024 Storey Park CDD but it went up due to the number of no parking spots. I know Jason's been working with the accounting staff and we do have the funding. We carried over $25,000 for no parking signs specifically for this project, but we thought there were going to be more parking spaces available and once we got the map from the engineer and Fausnight created the no parking zones, that increased the cost of what's in your agenda package. Ms. Diaz: Okay, so what's the space between the signs? Mr. Scheerer: 150 to 175 feet, depending on the length of the street. Ms. Diaz: What did Orlando Police Department do? Mr. Scheerer: We met with Officer Malave at OPD and he walked us through where everything needed to be and what we needed in order for them to enforce and ticket. Ms. Diaz: Okay, so we have to follow the City of Orlando. Mr. Scheerer: Well, we have a Towing Agreement with the Homeowners Association (HOA), because they have on-site security. In order for them to tow, we have to have the appropriate no parking signs in place. Mr. LaRosa joined the meeting. Mr. Scheerer: Again, this is the same exercise that we followed when Ben was overseeing all of this throughout Storey Park. This is your last phase, which is part of the three phases in Parcel K. This will be the end of it. Mr. Showe: At a prior meeting, we did update the Parking Rules to include this area as well. So, this would be the last step that we would need to enforce those Parking Rules. Mr. Scheerer: I know you guys are working really hard in the last phase. We were kind of waiting and waiting and waiting as construction was going on, to make sure that we had minimal damage to any of the signs that were installed. If you've been out there any time after 6:00 a.m. or 7:00 a.m., you'll see that you have a hard time navigating the street, because everybody's parked on both sides of the road throughout all of Parcel K. We don't necessarily have that with the current parking signs, but this is what the City of Orlando PD is telling us that they need to have, if they're going to enforce traffic laws within the community. Again, this follows the exact same steps we've taken for the previous phases in Storey Park. Nothing different has changed. Mr. Ben Kraljev actually spearheaded this and was part of the original meetings that we had with the HOA. I think Ms. Tricia Adams was District Manager as well at that time and Ben created all the parking maps. We're using the exact same company and u-channel post standard signs. I'm 3 February 6, 2024 Storey Park COO curious as to why the no parking signs that are installed there now, face you while you're driving down the road and they're not parallel to the road. Ms. Diaz: Those were the specs by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)? Mr. Scheerer: I don't know. I would have to get some education on that. I'm curious as to why, because the arrows point this way, but it doesn't tell you. Ms. Diaz: The signs or the arrow? Mr. Scheerer: The sign itself and the arrows point across the street and not parallel with the street. So, I'm not sure, but either way, according to OPD, according to Fausnight, who does a lot of this stuff and they've done all of your communities so far, this is the appropriate way to do it. Again, OPD won't enforce ifwe don't have the proper signage. Like I said, we had funding and it carried over into this year into our Capital Reserve Fund. Mr. Showe: Right. As Alan indicated, we have waited as long as, I think, is reasonable on this. We're starting to get some residents that have concerns and have the same issues. So, that's kind of why we wanted to bring it up now, so at least we can get the ball rolling if the Board was amenable. Mr. LaRosa: Yeah, it needs to be done. Mr. LaRosa MOVED to approve the proposal from Fausnight Stripe & Line for no parking signs in Parcel K in the amount of $47,000 and Mr. McQuarrie seconded the motion. Mr. Scheerer: Thank you. Mr. Showe: Is there any discussion? Hearing none, On VOICE VOTE with all in favor the proposal from Fausnight Stripe & Line for no parking signs in Parcel K in the amount of $47,000 was approved. FIFm ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Series 2022 Revised Requisitions #10 -#11 and Requisitions #12 -#13 Mr. Showe: Next, we have revised Requisitions, #10 and #11, as well as #12 and #13. These are all just minor requisitions from your Series 2022 bonds and are just for District staff, for some of the work they've done on the turnover and the compliance items. It's our 4 February 6, 2024 Storey Park CDD recommendation that the Board approve all these requisitions or we can take any questions from the Board. On MOTION by Mr. LaRosa seconded by Ms. Diaz with all in favor Series 2022 Revised Requisitions #10, #11, #12 and #13 were approved. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion Items A. Biography Way Construction Drainage B. Street Lighting at Biography Way Entrances Mr. Showe: Beyond that, we did have a couple of discussion items from Mr. Boermans. He wanted to just add those to the agenda so we can have them on the record. Do you want to talk about the items on Biography Way to start? Mr. Boermans: Yes. The road is very narrow on Biography Way. Also, now with the construction going on, some damages might occur and I wondered what the developer could do to repair it, because a lot of construction trucks are now driving everywhere over Biography Way and we might have some damages there. Also, with the roads being very narrow and cars parking on both sides, cars can barely fit through it. Maybe we can do something about it or work with the City of Orlando to either widen the road or perhaps make a one lane road out of it, just to improve the traffic flow. Mr. LaRosa: Which road? Mr. Scheerer: Biography Way. Mr. Boermans: That's the half circle where the apartment complex is coming. The road is very narrow. When people are driving in there, cars are parked on both sides and it's very difficult and very challenging for both cars to fit. Mr. Scheerer: There's designated parking on both sides ofthat road. Mr. LaRosa: There is. Mr. Scheerer: It was designed that way. I don't know about the parking spaces. Mr. Boermans: The parking spaces are very narrow. Mr. Scheerer: They're small parking spaces. I mean, my truck versus somebody's Audi Q5, is a whole different animal, but there is already designated parking on both sides of that road. The only place you could widen it would be on the apartment side, because you have all of the homes on the opposite side. Then I guess that would be a question for the City of Orlando. 5 February 6, 2024 Storey Park CDD Mr. Showe: I think to address the construction damage concerns, obviously, Alan is out there at least once a week. So, if we notice damages that are clearly from the construction of that apartment complex, that's when we would go to the apartment developer and have them repair it. Mr. LaRue: Are they paying? Mr. Showe: Correct. There is an agreement already in place. Mr. Scheerer: For them contribute to the District as well, even though they're not in the boundaries of the District. Right? Mr. LaRue: No, they aren't. Ms. Diaz: The developer proposed apartments? Mr. Showe: I'd have to look again. I don't know the specifics. Mr. Scheerer: We'll keep an eye on any damages. Mr. Showe: Obviously, if you see anything, let us know. Mr. Scheerer: Construction vehicles are a lot different than the people that are probably going to live there. They're not going to be driving duallys and stuff like that. We'll keep an eye on the damages. Mr. Garcia: I want to add a comment, if I may, regarding the construction. This morning, I saw it and I've seen it previously. All of Biography Way, is inaccessible due to the construction, because of trucks parking in the middle of the road. I don't know if it's only in the morning, but I've noticed it early in the morning. So, I just wanted to make that comment. Mr. Scheerer: Well, if it becomes a traffic issue, we can always get a hold of the City of Orlando PD and they can deal with any enforcement of obstruction of traffic, because you have to have a right-of-way. Mr. LaRosa: I believe we had a maintenance of traffic clause in our agreement. Mr. Scheerer: Yeah. Okay. Mr. Boermans: I contacted Officer Malave before he retired and he told me that he would get in contact with the Captain about it. Mr. Showe: Okay. c. Status of Hammock Park Mr. Showe: I know the other item you wanted to talk about was regarding Hammock Park. Teresa wanted to give a quick update. 6 February 6, 2024 Storey Park CDD Ms. Diaz: Yes, I already have the contractor ordering the materials for that park, for two picnic tables, one bench and two grills. Mr. Showe: So, all those items are incoming. A couple ofresidents emailed us as well. Mr. Scheerer: We installed a new dog station at that park as well. Mr. Boennans: There are too many dog parks. Mr. Scheerer: Not really. You only have two big ones in Parcel K now and then you have the one on Philosophy Way and the one on Folklore Lane. We'll be closing down Philosophy Way in a couple of months for maintenance, just so you know. We'll make sure you know and we'll get it to the HOA. We typically close those parks for about 30 days, do any maintenance of the equipment in there and then fix any dog holes and re-sod if we need to, whatever we need to do to treat for fleas and ticks. We'll do all ofthat and put up a sign for the 30 days, but we'll go out to through the HOA before we make that decision and then we'll eventually do it for Parcel K, at some point. Mr. Showe: Okay. Are there any other items to discuss? Mr. Boennans: No. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. SEVENm ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney i, CDD Ethics Training Requirement ii. Discussion of Peuding Real Property Conveyances Ill. Status of Pending Permit Transfers Mr. Lazarovich: On January 23rd , I circulated an email regarding the ethics training. I just want to make clear, that is to be completed within calendar year 2024 for your Form 1 in 2025. However, there is a link for the Form 1 to be submitted this year and to be filed electronically. So, if you have any questions about that, reach out to Jason or me. There are no other updates from me. Mr. Scheerer: Okay. Mr. Showe: I don't think we have any other updates on property or permit transfers at this stage. I think we're getting close to the end. B. Engineer Mr. Showe: All right, Christy, any updates on your end? Ms. Baxter: I don't have any items for the Board today.:Thank you. 7 February 6, 2024 Storey Park CDD C. District Manager's Report i. Approval of Check Register Mr. Showe: We have approval of the Check Register. In your General Fund, we have Checks #1171 through #1229 for $749,882.44 and November payroll for a grand total of $750,621.24. As always, staff can answer any questions you might have about those invoices. I will point out, that obviously a chunk of that are the transfers to the debt service. Those checks always come out a little large, but other than that, we can answer any questions you have or we can take a motion to approve the Check Register. On MOTION by Mr. LaRosa seconded by Ms. Diaz with all in favor the November 1, 2023 through January 29, 2024 Check Register in the amount of$750,621.24 was approved. ii, Balance Sheet and Income Statement Mr. Showe: Behind that, is your Balance Sheet and Income Statement. No action is required by the Board. I will point out for your General Fund through December; we are doing better than budget to actuals. We received some of the assessment collections, so we're at about 35%, which is through just the beginning of January. We expect to see the rest of that come in pretty shortly. Ill. Field Manager's Report Mr. Showe: With that, we can have Alan go through any field items. Mr. Scheerer: Yeah, I think we covered quite a bit today. We did touch base on the dog park and Hammock Park. As part of the 2025 budget, we're going to be starting that process pretty quickly. I have been speaking with TruGreen and OmegaScapes about an enhanced turf program for Epic Park. We have Bermuda there. It gets a lot of use. We'd like to, at some point, put some additional funding in there for some aerating and top dressing of the park. Of course, we'll have to close the park for that, but the main thing is we're going to be doing that. We're going to be closing the dog park here in a couple of months for maintenance. Because we have a few sections in the community that have Bahia grass, we tend to let the grass go to seed, before we mow it, to try to help regenerate some growth in there, without having the expense of having to buy pallets and pallets of sod. So, if you drive through the neighborhood, you see little sprouts that sticking up. It's intentional. Nobody's ignoring their work. We've done it with great success over the last couple of years. The Crepe Myrtles were all trimmed. I think they're going to look 8 February 6,2024 Storey Park CDD good when they bloom this year. We are battling some hog damage throughout all of the area, such as Narcoossee, Storey Park down west and all of Dowden Road. So, we're dealing with some pigs. Somebody reported one dead on Storytime Drive today. I called Shane at OmegaScapes. He's good to work with. He went over there, but didn't see it. Ms. Diaz: Its dangerous. Mr. Scheerer: If they're alive, yeah, but if they're dead, you can get rid of them. Shane didn'tfindanything.So,Idon'tknow ifsomebodyalreadygrabbed it,buttherewasnopig. Mr. LaRosa: Maybe there was someone with a cooler. Mr. Scheerer: I don't know if I want to pick roadkill up and put it in the cooler, unless it was on my own site, that thing's going to stay right where its at. Are there any questions? I know Mr. Boermans and everybody is pretty good about contacting me. I'm there every week and I can be there multiple weeks if there are issues. Ms. Diaz: We need to turn over the landscaping section . Mr. Scheerer: Oh, you mean the one that we're already maintaining back there at the end of Satire? Ms. Diaz: Yes. Mr. Scheerer: Sure. Let me know when. I'll be there tomorrow or Friday. Ms. Diaz: We do have to go through the process. Right? Mr. Scheerer: Yeah. We're already maintaining it. Ms. Diaz: Okay. Mr. Scheerer: But if you want to go out there and walk it, it looks good. I wish the fence was on the other side. Ms. Diaz: Do we have to do it? What is the process? Mr. Scheerer: Yeah, let's do it. I can meet you and Shane on Friday. Mr. Showe: Just walk it and look at everything. Mr. Scheerer: We'll just walk through it, but I don't know if Mark or Dan or whoever in the office, needs official sign off from the District. I'll be happy to do that via email or if you want to shoot me a text, we'll say we got it. Ms. Diaz: Okay. Mr. Scheerer: It looks really nice. Shane wants to mow it. He doesn't want it to go to pot. Ms. Diaz: Okay. 9 February 6, 2024 Storey Park CDD Ms. Scheerer: I think other than that, the big pond on Parcel K in the back, where you have the asphalt trail in between the two buildings, that was recently landscaped. If that's ready to go, let me know. Ms. Diaz: You're talking about Parcel K2? Mr. Scheerer: The big pond. The one way in the back. The one that borders the utility easement. I know there's a trail somewhere in between. Ms. Diaz: Two lots. Mr. Scheerer: Two lots. Yeah. You know what I'm talking about. Ms. Diaz: Yes. Mr. Scheerer: I know that looked like it was being landscaped and/or is landscaped. So, if it's done and you want to look at that, we can go over there. I just need to know where my water is coming from. Ms. Diaz: Okay. Perfect. Mr. Scheerer: Then if there are meters with that, then I need the meter number so we can turn the utilities over to the District. as long as it's just our stuff. Ms. Diaz: Alright. Mr. Scheerer: So, do you want to try to meet about 11:00 a.m. on Friday? Ms. Diaz: Okay. Mr. Scheerer: Yeah. I am available 8:30 a.m. and then I have 10:00 a.m, available and then my 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. is with Shane. We can meet either there or at the Clubhouse and drive over. Whatever you want to do. Ms. Diaz: Okay. Mr. Scheerer: Just text or call me when you're there. Ms. Diaz: Alright. I'll meet with you at 11:00 a.m. on Friday. Mr. Scheerer: Yes, ma'am. Awesome. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period There being no comments, the next item followed. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor's Requests Mr. Showe: Are there any Supervisor's Requests? Hearing none, 10 February 6,2024 Storey Park CDD TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business Mr. Showe: Is there any Other Business? Hearing none, ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Meeting Date -March 5, 2024 Mr. Showe: The next scheduled meeting is March 5, 2024. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Mr. Showe: We can take a motion to adjourn, if the Board is amenable. On MOTION by Mr. McQuarrie seconded by Mr. Boennans with all in favor the meeting was adjourned. /Assistant Secretary 11